
Office for Institutional Diversity

How to Report Bias Incidents and/or Discriminatory Harassment

Reporting experienced, observed, or disclosed discriminatory harassment is strongly encouraged. Any 猫咪社区 community member can report a bias incident and/or discriminatory harassment or to any of the designated college officials listed on this webpage. If you are not currently a member of the 猫咪社区 community but would like to report an incident, please contact the Dean for Institutional Diversity at institutional.diversity@reed.edu.

What Happens When I Report a Bias Incident?

All internal reports will receive prompt attention. Reports will be treated seriously and as confidentially as possible. Once a report is submitted, it is reviewed by The Office for Institutional Diversity. The Dean for Institutional Diversity, or designee, will contact you to discuss the details of the incident, provide you with any support or resources, and work with you to reach a timely resolution. This process is intended to seek a resolution for reports of bias incidents and discriminatory harassment. It is not a process of fact finding in order to determine whether the DHSM policy has been violated.

When appropriate, community members are encouraged to speak directly with the parties involved to work together toward a mutually agreeable resolution of the incident. Therefore, when appropriate, a resolution using an educational process such as conflict mediation or restorative justice will be explored. 

If no resolution using an educational process can be reached or a formal investigation is necessary to determine whether the DHSM policy has been violated, then the incident will be referred to the appropriate, formal, disciplinary or grievance process.

Reporting an incident is not the same as filing a formal complaint (though, for some purposes, a formal complaint may function both as a report and a formal complaint). Reporting to the college does not constitute a report to law enforcement, although the college will assist the complainant in reporting to law enforcement if requested, and at times may contact law enforcement without the consent of the complainant if it is necessary to protect the safety of the community.

The Dean for Institutional Diversity (or designee thereof) will review reports in the aggregate in order to discover and address patterns of behavior that create or threaten to create a hostile environment.

Protection from Retaliation

Any attempt to retaliate or any actual retaliation in response to a report or complaint is strictly prohibited (refer to section X. of ) and may result in discipline up to and including discharge for employees and suspension or expulsion for students, in accordance with the college's established judicial procedures.